Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

RIP albert hoffman, father of lsd

albert hoffman husband and father/inventor of LSD
died today at the ripe old age of 102.
much luv to the man, chemist and philosopher responsible for millions of lives hanging in the balance, living on the crest of a wave, people dreaming the undreamable, lives living the reality of unreality,
and discovering secrets of the universe,time and space
all wrapped up in a few hundred micrograms of lysergic acid
and our brains the enigma trying to solve the riddle
wrapped in the enigma
and searching to find the lost chord, while hearing colours, and smelling sounds,
smelling colours (ah the ol factory hues)
and the searching for the answer to the answerless questions,
on quests to understanding
the doors of perception have been thrown wide open
for any innocent bystander to see
at a few bucks a hit, or a good deed done for only to be a good person.
hallucination engines running smoothly,
running on organic fuels that make and bake our bread.
generations of iconic music and lifestyles have been paved around
the invention of the fellow dr.
lives have been lost and/or won in psychological battles on the
minds psyche battlegrounds.
psychic energy has been begged,borrowed and stolen,
and then given freely to any who beckoned and pondered its restorative experience
today the angels sing
and countless souls will feel the shiver up and down the
proverbial spine and smile and never know why..........
rip dr.albert hoffman, you've had a good run sir.
and your accomplishments will NEVER be forgotten.

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